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A large group of school kids with their hands eagerly in the air, as Katie stands in front of the group doing a presentation.

Image credit: Erica Nishon

In-Person and Virtual Visits     

Katie Slivensky is an expert speaker with two decades of experience presenting to all ages and audiences.

From writing workshops to science demos, scout groups to classrooms, professional conferences to public planetariums, Katie engages audiences anywhere and everywhere!

Now Booking for the 2024-25 School Year!

In a library, several second graders are dressed up in prehistoric vests while one balances a stuffed campfire on his head. Katie stands behind them, directing the scene, while everyone smiles and laughs. A screen to the left in the back says, "Imagine long ago..."

Image credit: Erica Pastor

Popular Offerings:


20-Minute Virtual Author Chat

  • Live Q&A session with Katie, available for groups who have read or are reading one of Katie's books!

  • First session FREE for groups of up to 60 participants! Additional sessions $75 per session, with discounts available for schools or community groups with demonstrated economic need.



45-Minute Large Group Presentation - Virtual or In-Person

  • Learn the backstory behind the picture book, This Wolf Was Different. Beginning with a read-aloud of the book, participants will be challenged to imagine themselves in the distant past. Volunteer opportunities will help bring this to life!

  • Discussion will include why this story was told from the point of view of the wolf and a motivational conversation about feeling different in your community. The presentation will also include information on how picture books are made, as well as Q&A time with Katie.

  • Grades K-5

  • For pricing and further details, see my catalog.



45-Minute Large Group Presentation - Virtual or In-Person

  • Discover how basic principles behind science and engineering can be applied to writing stories! Emphasis will focus on the positive learning opportunity of not getting everything right on the first try.

  • Science content will include Newton’s Laws of Motion and the engineering/design process—and will all be kept appropriate for grade levels present. Writing content will focus on revision, research, and word craft. Student volunteers make this a fun, interactive presentation!

  • Grades 3-8

  • For pricing and further details, see my catalog.




Image credit: Greg Katsoulis


45-Minute Writing Workshop - Virtual or In-Person

  • Participants brainstorm their own science-themed action-adventure book!

  • A thoughtful, step by step guide to creating stories and characters through fun exercises designed to challenge skills, expand creative thinking, and--most importantly--explore what makes each of us unique storytellers.

  • Grades 3-8

  • For pricing and further details, see my catalog.



45-Minute Writing Workshop - Virtual or In-Person

  • Have you ever wanted to write your own picture book or short story about the natural world? In this workshop, learn how to find a story in nature and make your own creative work out of it.

  • Learn about plot, setting, character, and the power of research to begin creating a nature story unique to you!

  • Grades K-5
  • For pricing and further details, see my catalog.

Other Offerings Available! See my catalog for details.

Praise from kids:



"I learned so much!"

"We got to dress up!"

"I want Katie to come back again!"

Note: I have many years experience working with students with disabilities, as well as neurodiverse populations. All of my programs are designed to be suitable and accessible for these participants! If you cannot find a listed offering that works for your group, please reach out. I am happy to make reasonable program modifications to best suit school, camp, scout, library, or book club needs.

Downloads for Educators:


Educators, looking for more?
Check out:

:Ruby's Corner:

A collection of STEAM projects and activities!

Katie Slivensky is amazingly knowledgeable about just about everything, and a true joy to have as a guest speaker! When speaking to my class, she answered their questions in depth, and seemed to have an answer for every question, teaching us about all the scientific discoveries and theories to date, from the expansion of the universe to black holes! Yet she explained in a way that made all the information so comprehensible that, although my students are English Language Learners, they were understanding and asking follow-up questions- enthralled by the information. The only question asked after meeting Ms. Slivensky was, “Can she come talk to us again?”


-Kate Moore, ESL 5th Grade Teacher

 Somerset School, North Plainfield, NJ

I really liked the presentation that Katie Slivensky did. She was engaging and was really opened up to the audience. She talked to us like a normal conversation. She was telling us how publishing a book was done, and what she liked. It was really exciting and fun the whole time. I’m reading the book, and she matches my sci-fi interest. I can’t stop turning pages. She is an amazing author and super awesome! She even did a few experiments and taught us about force and motion. She is unbelievable! 


- Olivia, 5th grade, Michigan

It was wonderful having Katie join us at Kinawa School in Okemos, MI. She immediately had the students enthralled and engaged in the presentation. Teachers loved that she shared a great science demonstration with student volunteers and tied it all back to writing and following your passions. Anyone would be lucky to have Katie come to their school.


- Cyndi Webster, Teacher Librarian

Okemos Public Schools, MI


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Background photo credits: NASA and my own images. Hint: mine are the ones taken on planet Earth.

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